Monday, August 31, 2009

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Since a week or so, I was left alone in my studio apartment since my roommate left, although I have a lonely personality, I can't just bare being alone, touring the city alone with myself...getting ripped-off from merchants and not getting any attention from the people who invited me to this glorious city of theirs, not that of a hospitality I received ... anyway, I thought I would just list these events of mine, here we go:

1) Yesterday, I mysteriously lost my iPod (also believed to be stolen), this iPod of mine is priceless, although its a 2nd generation 8GB iPod Nano, it has about 5GBs of songs, 1 GB which is Koran, and 3 GBs which I DO NOT have on my PC, so I guess it all went like that. (note: this iPod was a gift from my brother about 2 years ago when he bought the 3rd generation Nano and gave me the 2nd generation one.) ... I MISS MY DEF LEPPARD!

2) Water was out for about 25 hours, that meant, smelly Mohammad going to class, Oily-faced Mohammad. Ironically, on that I turned on the faucet and went out shopping, I then returned and foudn the faucet as is, not a drop of water...I called the owner of this apartment, she told me to go check the pipes in the basement...I went to the basement, and words cannot describe how dirty and spider-infested it is, so I searched for my apartment's pipe, tried to play with it a bit, and there it was...water was coming down the faucet I turned on...I am still curious who had turned off my pipe?!

3) Nothing will feel more annoying than being alone, not knowing anyone in a foreign country...things changed dramatically since my roommate left.

4) To top up all the other things, I don't know why people consider themselves Muslims, not being able to do the simplest thing in Islam...FASTING!

5) Having a really good Turkish accent and reading, I am still forced by my agent to read Turkish bedtime stories...but no thanks Hanim...I read my textbook and do my homeword. (this happened after she saw me reading an English novel.)

This is what I can remember for now... and thanks for reading chaps!