Thursday, April 23, 2009

One Hell of An Attempt!

What you are looking at here is something from out of this world, very rare, very unnatural and EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

In a sweet and spicy Tabasco sauce, you would fill one teaspoon and apply it to your favorite dish...and still you would be like "shit, I really over did it"...think again baby. In a Scoville scale the common Tabasco would hit 800 Scovilles as the level of spiciness, and you would probably think that it is the spiciest liquid on this planet.

Welcome to the Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce, and it's not child's play, trust me when I tell you this. It will quite literally melt your whole body down. I tried this sauce back in Switzerland on the summer of '08, I was challenged by my brother-in-law to try it out, and I was like "this is just another wannabe sauce". so I made a mistake of underestimating it...really, I went to open a Sardine can as a breakfast (I love them as my daily breakfast, don't go YUCK!) and that is when I opened this masterpiece and applied one drop to my dish no bigger than the size of an index fingernail, closed the bottle with absolute confidence and started mixing up my dish so it spreads throughout, and by the way, it was black in color (don't believe the picture above being dark red in color) because it is no ordinary chili extract, you will know the ingredients when I list them below.

Anyway, I started eating my bloody sardine dish with a loaf of bread, and in a matter of 15 seconds I started to feel something stinging my tongue continuously as if it was a bee in my mouth, and that was it as a result of underestimation, I hardly was able to continue the rest of the dish but indeed I did so just to feel the blast of a fingernail sized black drop, I wasn't feeling my head, it felt so cold outside and so stingy from the inside, I went grabbing a 1 Liter Evian bottle from the fridge in hopes of extinguishing the lava, I drank about 400 ml and with each sip I felt the heat growing more and more, and that was it, I gave up trying to calm the Mad Dog down, it took about 1 hour and 45 minutes for it to end, and I was wishing I could get sleep just to not feel it anymore.

No matter what you have tried before: Wasabi, Red Chili, Green Chili, Mild or Wild Tabasco...This is in a different league, it actually has the words "Use this sauce at your own risk!" written on the bottle. Let me give you a comparison between a Sweet & Spicy Tabasco and this so called Mad Dog 357, as I said, Tabasco's heat level is 800 Scovilles...Mad Dog's heat level is HELLFIRE reaching 600,000 Scovilles as written on the bottle and is considered to be one of the hottest 10 sauces ever made on this do the math. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take it as a word of mouth, this sauce is not to be used to prank somebody as it has alot of symptomes, I got a severe Diarrhea afterwards, and spots on my tongue that lasted a week, thanking God Almighty that this was enough for me....all that from just a tiny drop. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH THE MAD DOG!

Ingredients: Vinegar, chili extract, evaporated cane juice, fresh HabaƱero peppers, garlic, onion, 160,000 Scoville Cayenne peppers and spices.

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