I am a very big fan of Counter Strike game and I confess that I have been playing this game for more than 5 years, since the first 1.3 version came out, however, there are limits, and by limits I mean the actual continuous time spent setting in front of the screen getting...umm, what term shall I use?...mmm....yes, ADDICTED!
I am not in any way addicted to this game and never will be, I mean for someone as old as I am will feel ashamed spending most of his time playing Counter Strike. In Jeddah, there is a game networking place called Golden Entertainment Center and it's where you are most likely vulnerable to people infected with CSSAS (Counter Strike Source Addiction Syndrome), I go there almost every week since November 2008 and my limit for playing Counter Strike is 3 straight hours, I CANNOT last more than that and what I am trying to clear here is the way other people last for hours and hours and hours...I am not talking about 3 or 4 hours weekly like my case..but for 5 hours DAILY! yes DAILY!!
One of My friends (better not mention his name) I meet there every week who actually wakes up at 4PM (not having a socialized life) and goes there at 5PM is infected with CSSAS and his beginnings was spending EIGHTEEN HOURS DAILY playing CS and that is exactly the working time of Golden Entertainment Center (7am to 1am), for me trying to cure him was one big approach I made towards this poor filla, it's just hard for me to see someone throwing his own future away, because if he was 10 or 11 years old I wouldn't have cared but he is 21 for god's sakes, and that includes all the familiar faces I see in that place every week, on the same chair, playing the same game, repeating the same map over and over again, but anyway, my advices were useless and I am glad he had learned the hard way at last.
Let's take a look at how much an average of one CSSAS-infected individual spends on this addiction per time period.
1 account preloaded with 16 hours= 50 SR
1 hour for recharging your account= 5 SR
Assuming an individual spends 6 hours daily, and that means that 16 hours will finish in 2.75 days, so...
3rd day 2x5= 10 SR
4th day 6x5= 30SR
and so the list goes on...that sums it all to be about 840 SR for the first month...what a shame and what a waste of money...that of course excludes extra drinks, food, and obviously enough, packs of cigarettes, because the majority their are smokers.
Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic. I am unable to describe in words the way these people take life as if its a CS game, and I am sure that doesn't happen anywhere in the world.
New Site
14 years ago
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