Well, it's as easy as a walk in a park, but there are certain games you should get your hands on...let me guide you and guide you and get started (note that these games are based on my own experience and point of view):
5) Halo 3
Whenever you complete one level from the campaign you get 20-40G. its a piece of cake, and you can do it on any difficulty as well, finish the game and you get 125G, however, it is not only limited to offline play achievements, there are also multiplayer achievements for online play.
This is a must-have for achievement hunters out there, if you play this online you won't regret it
4) Prince of Persia
To make this easy on you, you have to get used to killing enemies before they spawn, collecting as much light seeds as you can, and not depending on Elika to save you, throwing enemies off cliffs, using the environment to finish them off, and using multiple combos when attacking...and the result is...achievements pouring into your account.
3) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
If your not a fan of FPS games then CoD 4 is not for you, if you want all the worthy achievements you have to play on Veteran difficulty which has the slogan "You Will Not Survive" and indeed you will NOT survive, if you managed to break the rusty locks and be up to Veteran difficulty, then you will get every possible achievement in this game, for completing one mission on Veteran difficulty you get 40G, and if you've never played the game before and started off with Veteran difficulty then I salute you because you will be getting 60G per mission completion.
Other Achievements include breaking some TVs that has Al-Asad's images, collecting Intel info, completing the first mock-up in seconds, and rescuing a squad mate in some level, and as such the list continues, all achievements are easy to earn except the ones that require the Veteran difficulty setting, but that's good for us, so that we can be up to the online multiplayer level.
2) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
My point of view, the best hack n' slash game of the year no doubt, Achievements are infested in this game, really easy to get, and fun to do, these include combos, killing 1000 enemies, throwing off cliffs and edges, and using feral senses to strike.
I think whomever wants a good start for achievement hunting should pick X-men up, and play at normal or hard difficulty, on top of that, you also get achievements for finding easter eggs in the game, and thats all about it...if you want to do so, you should look up a video in youtube. As a start, you would easily accumulate 500G in your first game finish, play it again and see what you have missed by reading walkthroughs.
1) Bioshock
Although being stupid long, achievements are worthy to earn but not hard, upgrade your weapons, kill bosses, buy tonic slots, and fully research enemies, this will do the trick.
Out of all the games I played, I earned the most achievements in this game, more than 50% I guess, the game is long but you won't feel how long it is, just play and enjoy those points.
The only thing I don't understand however is the achievements that say "Fully research the..." , but regardless of that, this will definitly be the #1 on my list of Achievement Hunting.
And this concludes my list for this post, I hope you like it, and I promise to come back with more interesting stuff in the near future.
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