First of all, the following is about the hardest video games I've ever played, these however, are from my own opinion, I will not tolerate any this and that about misreporting or the unfairness of the rank (Read the footer of this blog), and you should already know that I don't own a PS3, or any Xbox or Nintendo, I am a PS/PS2 type of guy. Through the years I have played many video games and most are sure to be ultimately hard, so here we go...This shall be one heck of a ride!

10) Galerians (PS)
I first got this game as a present from my elder brother Ribal, this however was without doubt one of the hardest games I played, it is slow-paced and merciless in the way enemies are deployed throughout the game, the gameplay resembles the one in Resident Evil.
It tells the story of a boy with psychic powers who gets imprisoned in an asylum to take advantage of his powers, you start with playing with him trying to break your way out of the asylum, your weapons are telekinesis and pyrokineses, which eventually deplete by time and are recovered by taking pills. The game is so complicated and full of events that it leaves you giving up for the game, it contains 3 CDs which means that the game is brutally long, this will forever stay up to my memory as one of the hardest games I have ever played in my entire life.

One of my favorite games on the PS platform, unlike Galerians, this was beatable...but not any gamer can actually beat this game, it is hard in the way of its intelligence, you need to be observant and also smart enough to dodge the enemies attacks for example, and wasn't hard in a complicated way like Galerians, and the worst thing is that this game is only available in Japanese, so you can't read any files you get...bottom line, you and your sensations alone.
You start off with a cute looking girl trying to solve cases and fight her way through NEC (Neo Mitochondrial Creatures) infested areas, through out the game you will be introduced to merciless bosses such as genetically treated humans which are referred to as"Supersoldiers" trying to mock you for your abilities, you have 2 weapons, your fire and wind powers, and a rifle or a gun or whatever your holding. You encounter dark areas and mostly have a low stamina gauge. However, this was one good challenging game.

So, Resident Evil arrives on #8. I played this game on the deceased Sega Saturn, It was kind of hard at certain occasions during the game, I had no problems beating the game with Jill Valentine, but when you try to beat it with Chris Redfield...we are talking about a challenging nightmare.
First thing, you start off by yourself in the mansion, you are holding a combat knife and carry no pistol, you can carry 6 items in your inventory which is annoying all the time. Chris cannot unlock doors (which require a small key that takes up one space in his inventory), and cannot play musical notes, he also is less likely to be helped by other teammates, and the likeliness to easily getting decapitated from a Hunter. So, from Chris' part of the game...This will be an ultimatum.
No matter how long I live, I will always remember this game for the countless number of times I beat it with Jill and the ONLY time I ever managed to beat it with Chris which costed guts.

There is no doubt about it, I would say about 60% of the world suffered from this game if you play on "Hurt Me Plenty" difficulty, the things that make this game hard is the lack of resources you have, you will learn to be conservative of ammo as much as possible.
The flashlight you have in handy can only be switched on to for use as a melee weapon, so you cannot hold a flashlight and another weapon at the same time, its either this or that...MY GOD!!...and 30% of this game are dark good luck buddy.
This leaves it off for #7 for the fact of having low resources and useless companions as well as the choice between a flashlight and a weapon, and the stupid long playing time.

One of the Hardest RE releases I ever played, this has a different type of gameplay than any other Resident Evil. The game is divided into 5 levels, in each level you initially start with a T-virus infection, which starts at 0.0% and when it reaches 100% in case you haven't finished the are dead meat.
The bugging thing in this game is the pause menu...well, there is no pause in this game, I don't mean no pause but I mean when you are going to select from your inventory, it doesn't pause, so you don't have time looking through the inventory...but that doesn't matter anyway, because you only have 4 slots in your inventory, which is annoying all the time, except if you choose this girl that carries eight but is weaker than the others, apart from this is the mocking fact that melee weapons tend to break by extensive use so sometimes you have to run around dodging zombies if your weapon breaks, provided that it has the hardest bosses among other REs.
This game leaves you strangled in anger from its difficulty though it isn't the best RE ever made.

I am speechless...seriously, This game will raise your blood pressure, I am not saying that it sucks, you should already know by now that I am in love with the Silent Hill Series.
Ok, I am going to give it to you straight, this game is ultimate in it's preset difficulty, I haven't seen anyone I know that actually beat this game except myself, you will be walking with a girl that you have to protect and she cannot attack at the beginning, you will also be introduced to monsters (I am not talking bosses but normal monsters) that never you will end up trying to run away from them which leaves no option for resources that can be collected, you have a low life gauge, so you get easily hurt and die. Most weapons in this game are hard to use, and aiming at the monster or the opponent is sometimes inaccurate, most of the ones you killed you think they are dead but some have the ability to revive.
This game however is the hardest among all 5 SHs I played so far, It is IMPOSSIBLE to beat it in a good-ending, I always end up getting a Bad or a Normal Ending.

4) The Suffering (PS2)
I feel that this game was designed in an intention to keep the player from giving up on beating it.
I beat it under the difficulty of "Easy" and yet it was supernatural, so how does the hard difficulty feel like?...anyway, the thing that makes it hard however is 3 things, first is the number of monsters that are about the number of cells in your body, So damn many, you will go like "give me a break man!" when you play it, monsters also don't die easily, not a single one that dies easily... also the complicated scenario adds to it.
This game features tricky stuff, such as companions who come to aid you then end up double-crossing its about trusting them or not, and some really take out a chunk of the life gauge. You also have to be extremely observant from monsters on the ceiling that suck you in.

From what I remember, this game has a preset difficulty, which seems to be like experiencing the real WWII yourself in the battlefield.
I include this as 3rd place because of the fact that enemies are superbly accurate with their shots, 75% of the shots they shoot go into you, controls are complicated which leaves you pressing a button instead of another, it's fast-paced which if you don't act quickly you will be announced officially killed in action.
Apart from the sharp shooters in this game, they are also good with grenades, and the lack of checkpoints make it impossible to beat. The weapon (no matter what it is) is hard to lock on an enemy with except if you choose the auto-aim option but still, no weapon in this game is THAT accurate.
This game will be ranked as the hardest First Person Shooter I have ever played and the hardest CoD ever.

Let me bulge in straight, this game is unbearable, seriously, you just keep on getting sick from trying, you should already know that it has few save points throughout, when you go to a new level and respawn again, you lose all of your weapons and end up having to recollect them again, Weapons empty easily, creatures you fight are extremely fast and hard to kill, too many bosses in the game, too many monsters as well, complicated settings making it difficult to find special objects and you will end up missing stuff like shotguns and rifles.
Take my word for this, it is so hard from my side that I left it licking it's own wounds, you know what I am talking about, it was such a tempering game that will make you commit suicide from trying to break through it more and more...leaving it for second place.
1)The Suffering: Ties That Bind (PS2)
If you are currently playing this game or want to play it in the near future, take it as a word of mouth and give up, this game has psychological effects on you and is the second release of the original one which I mentioned earlier.
No matter how many times I recall the memories of this game...what memories they were, you start off with a melee weapon and you will need to kill countless monsters with it until you get a handgun, actually I have a long wide list of hard features in this terrifying game:
1) You are lucky enough if you survived a chapter of this game.
2) You run out of bullets easily, no matter how conservative you are.
3) at a part of the game, your weapons are confiscated from you and you end up having to recollect them again.
4) Barely any checkpoints.
5) 20% of the monsters in this game are invincible, so you end up having to run away from them.
6) battle gun fatsos are effective that means it will be a bad day if you encountered one.
7) Enemies sometimes attack you surprisingly from the back.
8) The final boss in this game is invincible and the technique you have to kill him with requires good timing, I am talking about split-second timing, making it the hardest boss of any game.
9) barely any recovery items.
10) your health depletes quickly.
So this is it for this game, I am not messing about, you won't beat this game what so ever... making it The Hardest Game of All Time.
So, after a breath taking 2 hours on this post, I am glad I finished it at last...again I say, they are just opinions of my own...I am glad if you share yours with me just for fun, and I hope you had fun :-).
1)The Suffering: Ties That Bind (PS2)

No matter how many times I recall the memories of this game...what memories they were, you start off with a melee weapon and you will need to kill countless monsters with it until you get a handgun, actually I have a long wide list of hard features in this terrifying game:
1) You are lucky enough if you survived a chapter of this game.
2) You run out of bullets easily, no matter how conservative you are.
3) at a part of the game, your weapons are confiscated from you and you end up having to recollect them again.
4) Barely any checkpoints.
5) 20% of the monsters in this game are invincible, so you end up having to run away from them.
6) battle gun fatsos are effective that means it will be a bad day if you encountered one.
7) Enemies sometimes attack you surprisingly from the back.
8) The final boss in this game is invincible and the technique you have to kill him with requires good timing, I am talking about split-second timing, making it the hardest boss of any game.
9) barely any recovery items.
10) your health depletes quickly.
So this is it for this game, I am not messing about, you won't beat this game what so ever... making it The Hardest Game of All Time.
So, after a breath taking 2 hours on this post, I am glad I finished it at last...again I say, they are just opinions of my own...I am glad if you share yours with me just for fun, and I hope you had fun :-).
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